Siena Root
Winter Solstice
Pubblicato il 08/03/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Di seguito il nuovo video dei Siena Root girato da Linus Grane :


Questo il commento degli svedesi:

"Days keep becoming longer and the sun keeps gaining intensity once again. We as a band have also been caught by spring fever what made us finally reload our tour bus because we're returning to where we actually belong - to the stages. Enjoy our new little wintery adventure and see you very soon!"

Siena Root
From Svezia

A New Day Dawning (2004)
Kaleidoscope (2006)
Far from the Sun (2008)
Different Realities (2009)
Pioneers (2014)
A Dream of Lasting Peace (2017)
The Secret of Our Time (2020)
Revelation (2023)