Pubblicato il 29/09/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Se amate noise, metal, math rock e free jazz fusi insieme allora non potete perdervi il nuovo video del gruppo di Lione, che include membri di PinioL, Poil e L'Effondras:

Fol Naïs uscirà a Dicembre su Dur & Doux.

Queste le loro parole:

"Throughout this piece, we try to get your heads pounding while playing heavily with syncopations, changes in tempo and off-beats. We open with something almost melodic, which builds inexorably until the final explosion. Despite a lot of waste during the composition of the album, Zerkon is one of the tracks that most quickly won the unanimous approval of the four of us. It's one of those tracks that's easy to get along with, because it uses the recipes that have forged the band's identity while adding a bit of freshness. For example, through its use of flow, which we rarely use in this way, and the long improvisation section in the middle, which we rarely allow ourselves in this very written music."

