Pubblicato il 24/04/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Lyric video online per gli autori di The Head & The Habit:


"The lyrics of this intense saga narrate a perilous journey through the night, which is plagued by blistered feet and pursued by shadowy figures causing a sense of dread" - dichiara Arvid Hällagård - Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, there is an impending avalanche that awakens both the characters and the audience. The dramatic escapade includes slipping men, voids of force, and a grave of fears, all set to the ironic background score of an ever-present choir of moaning winds. It's a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions where even the avalanche has its own wake-up call."

From Svezia

Revolution Rock (2001)
Secret Alphabets (2003)
Agents Of Ahriman (2007)
Nest of Vipers (2012)
Trails & Passes (2014)
Rise Above The Meadow (2016)
Hear the Rivers (2018)
Echoes From A Mass (2021)
The Head & The Habit (2024)