The Heartroot Rots
Pubblicato il 01/09/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Tomi Koivusaari degli Amorphis lancia il suo progetto solista con un singolo che vede la partecipazione di Jeff Walker dei Carcass:


Il debutto Heartroot uscirà a Dicembre su Svart Records:


Queste le parole di Tomi:

"It's a collection of various songs and points of view. I didn't want a traditional approach to limit my artistic expression. Heartrot is a personal vision that's naturally influenced by all the music I have subjected myself to over the years. It is, in a way, a soundtrack to an imaginary film. Musically the album's guiding themes are a strong visual connection to nature and moods that are rarely happy or positive. Melancholy is always looming in the background”.