In Vain
Season Of Unrest
Pubblicato il 09/12/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo singolo online per gli autori di Solemn:


Queste le parole di Sindre: 

"With all the songs we ́ve done through the years, this is the one that holds the most meaning to me. It contains extremely personal lyrics wriAen at a low point of my life. The lyrics combined with fantasDc riffs and top Der songwriDng makes this piece really special."

Aggiune il bassista Alexander:

" A tune that's got it all - a harmonic and groovy verse blending seamlessly with a catchy, sing-along-worthy chorus. This song is packed with emotion and meaning. It's got a progressive edge, yet its catchy components make it effortlessly singable. The vocals truly steal the show."

In Vain
From Norvegia

The Latter Rain (2007)
Mantra (2010)
Ænigma (2013)
Currents (2018)