Dimmu Borgir
Black Metal
Pubblicato il 19/10/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

I norvegesi annunciano l'uscita di un album di cover pubblicando online la reprise di Black Metal dei Venom:

Queste le parole di Silenoz:

"We’re pleased to announce the Inspiratio Profanus release! We thought it was about time to finally compile the cover songs we’ve done over the years and give these renditions an updated mastering, all in one package, highlighting some of our many influences! Black Metal, the track and its origin, features something really primeval, raw and unhinged. There is lawlessness and danger connected to it. We did our best to capture the spirit of the ancient gods’ rock ’n roll 24 years later. Did we do it justice? I think so."             


1. Black Metal (Venom)
2. Satan My Master (Bathory)
3. Dead Men Don't Rape (G.G.F.H.)
4. Nocturnal Fear (Celtic Frost)
5. Burn In Hell (Twisted Sister)
6. Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple)
7. Metal Heart (Accept)
8. Nocturnal Fear (Celtically Processed)  (Celtic Frost)


Dimmu Borgir
From Norvegia

1994 – For all tid
1996 – Stormblåst
1997 – Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
1999 – Spiritual Black Dimensions
2001 – Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
2003 – Death Cult Armageddon
2007 – In Sorte Diaboli
2010 – Abrahadabra
2018 – Eonian